Some Reasons of Facebook Suspension

If you have been suspended from Facebook account, you will not be able to login to your account. The most common reasons that people are suspended are:


1)    Account Security - This is when Facebook suspects that someone else is trying to access, or has accessed, your account.


2)    Spam - This is when you are sending out messages through Facebook that contain links in them. If you send out too many of these messages at once, Facebook may think it's spam and suspend your account.


3)  Copyright Infringement - If someone reports a post as copyright infringement and Facebook believes it is true, they will suspend your account until they complete an investigation into the claim.


4)  Violating Terms of Service - If you violate any of their terms of service policies, they may suspend your account for violation of their TOS policy (which is basically just using the site).


Final Words: Hopefully, by now, you understand just how trivial a violation is to get your account suspended or terminated by Facebook. Perhaps you have even faced this situation yourself. But if you are in this difficult situation, know that there are options available to you. Don't give up hope.

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